Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Malnutrisi pada Balita di Posyandu Dukuh Kendal Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Sukosewu Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun 2014


  • Siti Patonah Siti Patonah


           Malnutrition  is still a major problem in infants. Along with the times, malnutrition is still a major problem in infants. The high rate of   malnutrition is influenced by several factors such as low levels  of  education  (knowledge)  about  the importance of maternal nutrition intake  as  long as  the  child  is  still   in   the  process  of  grow and develop. The condition of infants who came to Kendal  IHC  there are toddler body weight under Red lines on the KMS.            The method used in this study was a descriptive survey approach.Variable in this study is the  mother's  knowledge  about  malnutrition in children under five in Village Kendal Sidodadi, Sukosewu District, Bojonegoro regency. The  population  in  this study were  all  mothers  with  children   under  five  in village of  Kendal  Sidodadi,  Sukosewu District ,Bojonegoro regency, amount 158 respondents and the sample was mother’s with toddlers who came to IHC Village Kendal, Sidodadi District,Bojonegoro  regency totaled 109 respondents, the sampling used in purposive sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire later on though by way of  editing,  coding,  scoring  then  tabulated  and  presented  in  the  form  of  percentages were      analyzed with descriptive analysis.           The results showed that more than a majority of the respondents or mothers have good knowledge of malnutrition in children under five is 56 respondents (51.37%) of the 109 respondents.         Mother's knowledge  about malnutrition in under-five is good ,good  mother’s knowledge would  be  useful if  supported by the attitude and behavior of a true mother in feeding infants,      so that children will not experience malnutrition. Keywords: Motrer’s,Knowledge , Malnutrition  

